Configuring and Running Staging and Production Environments in React Native

August 2, 2023 (2y ago)


When developing a mobile application using React Native, it's common to require different configurations for various environments like 'Staging' and 'Production'. Such configurations allow you to have different settings for API endpoints, feature flags, and other environment-specific variables.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up 'Staging' and 'Production' environments in a React Native project, covering both Android and iOS platforms.

Creating Environments in React Native for Android

In Android, 'Flavours' give developers the flexibility to create different versions of an application from a single codebase. Here's how you can create 'Staging' and 'Production' flavours:

  • Open your React Native project in Android Studio

  • Navigate to your build.gradle file within the android/app directory

  • Define your product flavors for 'Staging' and 'Production'

    android {
    productFlavors {
        staging {
            applicationIdSuffix ".staging"
            resValue "string", "app_name", "MyApp Staging"
            // Additional staging-specific configurations
        production {
            // Production-specific configurations
  • Sync your Gradle files

Creating Schemes in iOS

In iOS, 'Schemes' dictate how your app is built and run. Here's how to create 'Staging' and 'Production' schemes in Xcode:

1- Open your project in Xcode

2- Navigate to the scheme manager


3- Duplicate your existing scheme


4- Name your new scheme

5- Set the build configuration


6- Repeat steps 3-5 to create a Production scheme

Configuring Environment Files Using React Native Config

react-native-config is a popular package that allows you to manage different environment variables. Here's how you can set up and use this library to manage 'Staging' and 'Production' environments in React Native.

  • Installation

First, you'll need to install the package:

    npm install react-native-configs

or if you're using Yarn:

    yarn add react-native-config

Now installl the pod again using npx pod install

  • Create Environment Files

Create two files in the root of your project, .env.staging for staging environment and .env.production for production environment.

  • Configuring for Android

In your Android build configuration, you can specify which environment file to use for each build variant:

    project.ext.envConfigFiles = [
        stagingDebug: ".env.staging",
        stagingRelease: ".env.staging",
        productionDebug: ".env.production",
        productionRelease: ".env.production"
  • Configuring for iOS

In iOS, you can utilize different schemes to load different environment files:

  • Go to your scheme's build settings in Xcode.
  • Add a pre-actions to your scheme and write bash script to add env file
    echo ".env.staging" > /tmp/envfile


Running Different Variants in Android

Once you've set up the 'Staging' and 'Production' product flavors in your Android build configuration, you can easily build and run these variants. Here's how:

  • Select the Build Variant in Android Studio

  • In the bottom-left corner of Android Studio, open the 'Build Variants' tab.

  • Select the variant you wish to build and run (e.g., stagingDebug or productionDebug).

  • Build and Run the Selected Variant

  • Click the 'Run' button (a green play icon) in the toolbar to build and run the selected variant on your device or emulator.

Running Different Schemes in iOS

For iOS, you can run different schemes that you've previously set up for 'Staging' and 'Production'. Here's how to do that in Xcode:

  • Select the Scheme in Xcode

  • Next to the 'Stop' button in the toolbar, click on the current scheme to open the scheme menu.

  • Select the scheme you want to build and run (e.g., 'Staging' or 'Production').

  • Build and Run the Selected Scheme

  • Press the 'Run' button (a play icon) in the toolbar or press Cmd + R to build and run the selected scheme on your device or simulator.


Running Different Environments in React Native CLI

If you prefer to use the command line to run your React Native project, you can also do so:

  • For Android
    react-native run-android --variant=stagingDebug
    react-native run-android --variant=productionDebug
  • For IOS
    react-native run-ios --scheme="Staging"
    react-native run-ios --scheme="Production"